
Ein has finnally learned how to do this thing


We are going to have an information chat on saturday the 15th February on the zone at the times 3:00pm and 9:00pm Eastern time. All Erudites , hopefuls and Pending are welcome.


Ein Miu Core is now the new Mentor of the Erudites, congrats!


Mentor Shui Kel Xen has left the NJX and a replacement mentor shall be found.


Please congratulate Ein on earning the rank of Jedi Disciple, well done!


Please welcome Raziel Nok who has just joined our study and is under the training of Master Klin Ven Twel. Congratuations both of you....


Today I have uploaded Psy's sweet new logo for the Erudites onto the main page, nice work Master Psy.


I think I can now safely say the site is finished, although changes still may be in order as time goes on, especially the news page and hopefully the members page (meaning getting a few more decent members)


Although most of the site was done within 3 days of the last date, it has taken time to draw up the Erudite Path page... although the page has still updates to finish


New erudite site up, updates still to be done





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