Welcome to The Erudites of the New Jedi X



"There is no emotion.......there is peace."
"There is no ignorance....there is knowledge."
"There is no passion.......there is serenity."
"There is no death..........there is the Force."

- Jedi Master Odan Urr

The Erudites serve the Light Side clan The New Jedi X with their knowledge and wisdom, and are often useful as tacticians for the clan. The Erudites are peaceful Jedi that prefer the mind to the saber, and are masters of the Art of "Fighting without fighting" which is a skill that requires much knowlege and diplomacy skills. Powerful control of the Force is also needed. Each Erudite padawan is taught these skills to a high level, until they have enough to carry on by themselves to discover the Force and deal with situations peacefully as a Jedi Knight.

Every Erudite takes time and effort to tune their Force abilities to make them able to sufficently protect themselves in battle and disable even an armed opponent, without use of any weopon. Erudites tune these powers to this stage through much deep meditation and practice. Which much work through meditation a Erudite can make an almost impossible task seem effortless with finely attuned force strength.

NJX is an honourable Jedi Knight clan, and the Erudites is one of the serving Areas of Study, and we are proudly apart of. Please visit the homepage of the NJX from the "Links" section of this site, there are also are a few other important sites there that a Jedi should pay close attention to.

- Retired Erudite Mentor Shui Kel Xen

To apply to join the Erudite area of study, you must first send an e-mail to Ein Miu Core or Master Psy-Gon Xann at:


ein_miu_core@yahoo.com -or- njx_psygonxann@yahoo.se


you must also then make an account on the NJX Message board, the link to the home page of the New Jedi X can be found in the Links section of this site, on the Homepage is a link to the Forum Chambers...


Please read the "Join / Leave" page to read the procedures for Joining or Leaving the Erudites....


May the force be with you. / Mentor Ein Miu Core and High Council Rep Psy Gon Xan




Site made by Shui Kel Xen - Scetches by various artists - NJX and Erudite images made by Psy Gon Xann and Shui Kel Xen